serving our community together.
about us
Our members are mothers & sons (7-12th grade) in the Grapevine/Colleyville and surrounding areas who serve our community in various organized events on the second Saturday of every month.
A volunteer sign up goes out the 1st of every month.
Moms & sons choose an event that fits their interest and schedule.
We have additional volunteer opportunities during the summer.
Events are created to fulfill high school community service requirements.
You must be a member to serve with us.
Registration happens once a year, in March.
Second Saturday Mothers & Sons is a 501(c)3.

our mission
Second Saturday Mothers & Sons provides monthly volunteer opportunities for mothers and sons (grades 7-12) to serve the community together in a meaningful way that is consistent, yet flexible.
who we serve

our story
In 2009, founder Elizabeth Mattson was looking for organized, meaningful ways to volunteer with her son, Jacob. She began organizing volunteer events with friends and Second Saturday Mothers & Sons was established.
Since then, many dedicated volunteers have carried on her mission and our organization has continued to grow and thrive.
We are grateful to Elizabeth for her vision and drive to create SSMS, to our leadership team who manage and sustain it and to all the moms & sons who serve our community faithfully.
2024 - 2025
board of directors
President - Andrea Hickson
President Elect - Stefania Meyer
VP of Events - Vanessa Steinkamp
VP of Administration - Stefania Meyer
VP of Membership - Sarah Drummond
Treasurer - Stephanie Williams
Secretary - Lis Hammons
Board Member at Large - Heather Dutton
Social Media - Dana White